Robert Mejlerö

This is how important the line manager is for millennials

Posted by in eMBA, Leadership, Master thesis, Organizational Behaviour

Have you been following my posts about millennials? As I wrote my MBA master thesis about “What motivates early millennials in the workplace?” there has been a series of posts about the topic “Seven Areas of Work Motivation“, “The different types of millennials” and “This motivates millennials in the workplace”. I asked 56 millennials from 22 countries and in-depth interviewed 14 participants from 9 countries. This is what they said: Have you ever left a job because of your line-manager? (Yes 41%, No 59%) How important has your line-manager(s) been in…read more

Master Thesis – what motivates early millennials in the workplace?

Posted by in eMBA, Leadership, Master thesis, Organizational Behaviour

Download the master thesis “What motivates early millennials in the workplace” as PDF or iBook (Free on iTunes). The purpose of this thesis is to research the motivation of early millennials in the work place. Previous studies show the need to further research how this cohort is motivated in a business context, as supposed to being business students. At the same time, there are self-proclaimed experts that has released books where a picture of how millennials are motivated are generalized and not referenced, neither to the existing literature nor to a…read more

What’s the difference between how millennials and generation X are motivated?

Posted by in eMBA, Leadership, Master thesis, Organizational Behaviour

There are many different thoughts and opinions circulating around in the “literature” and certainly on the internet about the cohort “millennials”. In my master thesis “What motivates professional early millennials in the workplace?” I surveyed 80 early millennial and generation X participants from 22 countries with a questionnaire and semi-structured in-depth interviewed 14 participants from 9 countries. On the question “What in your experience is the difference between generation X and millennials in the workplace?” the following interpretation could be made: With the exception of one participant, who’s a generation X:er,…read more